Stumble upon Rumble: Game Beta Testing is coming!
It is finally time! After lots of blood, sweat, and tears, we are finally ready to open the beta testing period.
In this blog, we will briefly cover the details of the beta period so you can get to rumbling!

The Beta Game
The game that we will be releasing in the coming days is a stripped-down version of Stumble upon Rumble. It is focused on the core gameplay so that we can make sure the base is stable. This means that you can not chat in the servers, you can not wager on your fights, and you can not customize your characters (you don’t own any SuR NFTs yet after all).

When does it start?
We will start distributing the game to the first batch of players this weekend already!
Because the game is best played with many players online at the same time, we have scheduled two times this weekend for players to log on. We will schedule more play sessions after. You are, of course, free to message some of the other players to come online.
Round 1: Saturday the 9th of April at 2 PM CEST
Round 2: Sunday the 10th of April at 9 PM CEST
These times have purposely been set so that at least one accommodates each time zone!
Who can play?
This friday and Saturday we will be selecting some of the most loyal members from our Discord. If you feel like this is you, send a private message to Dilan or David on discord and we will let you know!
If the game doesn’t find any major issues we will select more players to join soon after that. If that goes well again, we will look at opening it up for everyone. From there on it will continue to be updated with all of the exciting features such as Player-to-Player wagering. 🤩
While we won’t have any rewards from the first weekend of the Beta, we will keep track of various stats along the way so we can reward our best Rumblers. 🏆
We are really looking forward to playing with you all!